8. March 2024
Female power and leadership at Fairventures
We have many great women at Fairventures who help us to make a difference and lead our NGO to great achievements. We are proud to introduce three women in leadership positions in our organisation.
7. March 2024
Successful closing event of our first Cocoa Project – with the support of the Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan Province
Last week our first cocoa project in Central Kalimantan ended with a very successful workshop event offering promising future possibilities for upcoming cocoa projects.
26. February 2024
Connection through collaboration: socialization with farmers in Batu Nyapau
We regularly exchange ideas with our smallholder farmers; our most recent event took place in the village of Batu Nyapau in the district of Gunung Mas in Indonesia.
26. January 2024
The benefits of Agroforestry in Tororo District, Uganda
The benefits of agroforestry are not only addressing essential needs but are also contributing to environmental conservation and economic growth.
22. January 2024
Article in the current IHK Magazine Economy: “Saving the climate and supporting smallholder farmers”
The current IHK Magazine Economy reports on our projects in Indonesia and Uganda.
4. December 2023
Climate Change Alters Uganda’s Rainfall Patterns, Affecting Farmers in Kayunga District
Uganda, typically known for its stable rainfall patterns, is experiencing the negative impacts of climate change. Those circumstances are affecting the nation and our farmers.
15. November 2023
Advent Calendar ‘24 Good Deeds’ enabled new collaborations in Uganda
With the support and money from 24 Good Deeds, we were able to collaborate with the Uganda Scouts Association to manage the Kaazi Community Nursery. The goal is to reforest the National Scouts Grounds located in Kampala District and empower nearby communities by distributing free fruit and tree seedlings.
7. November 2023
PHINEO Impact Seal: Our impact on climate protection has been awarded
We were officially awarded the PHINEO impact seal in Berlin! The seal of impact for climate protection was given to us for our '100 Million Trees' reforestation project in Indonesia. We were selected with 14 other organizations out of over 101 applications.
6. November 2023
Empowering Communities: Tree Monitoring Refresher Training
In a collaborative effort between us and Treeo, a significant milestone was achieved, as we conducted a Refresher Training on tree monitoring. This event brought together community monitors from various project areas and was hosted in Fort Portal City in Uganda.
2. November 2023
Climate Stories – New climate education project receives award
Climate Stories - New climate education project of Fairventures receives award from the Protestant Academy Bad Boll.
30. October 2023
Climate Awareness: The Recurring Forest Fires in Borneo
This year, Indonesia faced a challenge triggered by El Niño – a long dry season that led to more forest and land fires. As a result these fires created smoky haze, putting public health at risk and damaging forests across multiple Indonesian islands.
23. October 2023
Fair Christmas: ONE gift for ALL!
Show your employees' or co-workers appreciation by appreciating our planet! We have different gift options for you, all of which have one thing in common: they empower smallholders in the tropics to earn their income through reforestation.
28. September 2023
Growing Hope: Muhindo Evelyne’s Journey
Muhindo Evelyne is from Kasese district and has undergone a remarkable transformation. Not so long ago, she was struggling to make a living. Today, she is a shining example of what determination and the right support can achieve.
15. September 2023
Thank you for 3 great years – change of leadership in Indonesia
After more than three years, Raya has stepped down as Country Director and is handing over the leadership of our team in Indonesia to our long-time employee Monalisa.
15. September 2023
NEW: Annual Report 2022 & FAQ!
Get to know us more in detail in our Annual Report and on our FAQ website.
11. August 2023
Herlianto and His Vision for Farmers in Tumbang Manggu
Get to know our smallholder farmer, Herlianto! In a short video introduction, he gives an insight into his work and his vision.
31. July 2023
Always striving to be better: Challenges in Borneo and Changes to our Approach
Only through transparent communication on all levels can quality projects be implemented. With this in mind, we would like to share with you some current challenges in Borneo and changes to our approach. Our great management team with diverse backgrounds and perspectives will tackle them in a goal-oriented way. Always with transparency as our top priority in mind!
31. July 2023
How tree planting improved the life of primary school teacher Posiano
Byamukama Posiano's life took an unexpected turn when Nyamyezi Central Forest Reserve (CFR) partnered with Fairventures Worldwide. It enabled him to increase his earnings in a way that he is not just able to continue teaching but also improve his skills by doing a bachelor degree in Education.
26. July 2023
Lightwood Roadshow: Educating communities about environmental impact
Our Lightwood Roadshow aimed to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation through reforestation and responsible timber value chains. Including the community was a big success.
30. June 2023
Exciting Quiz Night at our Timber Innovation Center
The Timber Innovation Center buzzed with anticipation and excitement as we organized our first quiz night in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
30. June 2023
Youth Program: Agents of Change in the Making
We have recognized the importance of the role of children as agents of change to combat climate change. Therefore we decided to foster young people’s positive relationship to the environment through “Youth Program”.
19. June 2023
Media in Uganda and East Africa report about our Timber Innovation Center in Kampala
The launch of our Timber Innovation Center in the heart of Uganda, directly in the center of the capital Kampala, generated a lot of attention from Ugandan media.
6. June 2023
Building a sustainable future: The Opening of Uganda’s first Timber Innovation Centre on World Environment Day
On World Environment Day, we opened our Timber Innovation Center in the heart of Kampala. The launch event welcomed numerous stakeholders, including his Excellency, the German ambassador Matthias Schauer, Wolfgang Baum, CEO of Fairventures Worldwide and Patience Namara, Country Director of Fairventures Worldwide in Uganda.
16. May 2023
Learning from the Best: Study Tour to Visit Cocoa Farmers in Sulawesi
Smallholder farmers from Barito Timur and Gunung Mas visited Sulawesi to learn more about cocoa cultivation from local experts. Sulawesi is known around the world for producing high quality cocoa beans.