Fair Christmas: ONE gift for ALL!

23. October 2023|In News

Show your employees’ or co-workers appreciation by appreciating our planet! We have different gift options for you, all of which have one thing in common: they empower smallholders in the tropics to earn their income through reforestation. 1, 2 or 3? How do you celebrate a fair Christmas?

1. Plant tropical Christmas trees

With just 5 euros, you empower a farmer in Indonesia and Uganda to plant a tree and earn money from the harvest of his reforestation. For 5,000 Euros or more, you get your own forest area on site, which you can track via web map. In both cases there is a thank-you video and a certificate.

2. Gift sweet future

Creating responsible value chains: It’s important to us that local farmers not only grow, but can also sell products like cocoa. With every chocolate sold, you automatically donate to our projects.

three different types of jungle chocolates in sengon box

3. Celebrate meaningful & international!

Are you planning a Christmas event? Then set an example and let the future grow through your event! Donate a part (of your proceeds) and empower our smallholder farmers in Indonesia and Uganda. We’ll come by for an inspiring input talk and show you what your donation can do.

Be part of it!

Do you like one of our options? Then let’s make it happen! Just send a short email to hanna.koesling@fairventures.org and we’ll get back to you.

Thank you for caring about a fair Christmas!

Here you can download the one-pager again.