
three men with mask during Farmer Field School in seminar room

Coping with COVID-19: How the pandemic has been affecting our work

COVID-19 had a major impact on our work in the country offices in Uganda and Indonesia. Since the beginning of the pandemic last year, we have had to deal with many challenges that have had a huge impact on the implementation of our activities in the field.

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Ludiyanto with his family

The Story of a Courageous Farmer in Borneo

They stretch on for kilometers, these palm oil plantations on Borneo. An eerie sight. Not a sound can be heard. Even animals do not want to be here in this sterile environment. Though there is one who has not been deterred.

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Woman looking next to a young sengon tree

Good forests as Climate Solutions: How do rainforests store CO2 in the long term?

"Buildings and the construction sector together account for 40% of total direct and indirect CO2 emissions." This figure is quoted by the renowned climate impact researcher Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber to the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects in December 2020.

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Group of people in nursery - distribution of seedlings

Seedling Distribution in Uganda

This year, we supported ten partner nurseries in raising seedlings for the March-May planting season in Uganda. The seedling distribution process started with counting all the seedlings raised in partner nurseries in order to ascertain which and how many of those were viable and ready for planting in the various fields, which are located in multiple districts around the country.

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Drone footage of Kaazi Rainforest

Reforesting the Kaazi Forest in Uganda – Project Launch with Uganda Scouts Association

The Kaazi Reforestation Project in Wakiso County, Makindye Ssababagabo in Uganda has been running since 8 May 2021. Together with the Uganda Scouts Organization, 30,000 seedlings of indigenous tree species are to be planted over the next twelve months.

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Monalisa explains something, 100 Million Trees VR Experience

Join us on a virtual journey to the rainforest of Borneo

Visiting a rainforest without having to book a flight? As of today, this is possible! A new 360° video takes you directly to Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, on a virtual journey to our 100 Million Trees Program.

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frisch gepflanzter Setzling auf kahler Fläche

Why Reforestation Is More Than Just Planting Trees

Current scientific findings show: Reforestation can help us tackle two global crises at once. First, it helps restore degraded habitats and protect existing biodiversity.

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Farmer Field School: group of people in young sengon forest

Farmer Field Schools: Transferring Agroforestry Knowledge to and within Communities

So-called Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are an important part of our approach. The aim of the FFS is to complement the experience and knowledge of local farmers with expert forestry knowledge. 

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Summary Report booklet

FLR Study

This report summarizes the findings of the technical feasibility studies, the practical experiences and the challenges to successfully upscale the various FLR models in Central Kalimantan.

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Orangutan with small orangutan sitting on his back in the trees: ecosystem restoration

A holistic approach to ecosystem restoration

Nature has always been the most sensitive of mirrors. It reflects what happens around us by showing responses to whatever humans do.

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Johannes Schwegler an TEDx Logo

Johannes Schwegler at TEDx Kassel

"Ideas worth spreading" - under this slogan numerous TEDx events take place all over the world every year. Artists, scientists and founders get the opportunity to share their story, their ideas or their knowledge with a large audience.

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Adventskalender: Sengon mit Weihnachtsdekoration

The Fairventures Advent Calendar

The decorated Sengon tree announces it: The most beautiful time of the year is approaching and we want to get in the mood for Christmas together with you over the next few weeks.

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thick sengon wooden trunk is hugged from behind

Are wood products good for the climate? A life cycle assessment (LCA) of Sengon plywood

Wood is regarded as an ecologically very sustainable material and usually has a negative CO2 balance, since it serves as a natural carbon pool. Especially in the construction sector wood can offer a sustainable alternative.

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Logo Restor and landscape

RESTOR: New Open Data Platform by Crowther Lab & ETH Zürich

"We need the whole ecology of humanity," says Thomas Crowther in his new TED Talk, which has already been viewed over 600,000 times within the first two weeks.

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Zwei Uhren von Mondaine: aktiv werden

How every company can take action against climate change

The protection of the environment and the climate are the most urgent challenges of our time. This opinion is reflected in a Europe-wide survey in which EU citizens stated that climate change is a „serious“ (93%) or „very serious“ problem (79%).

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Farmer holds young seedling in nursery

Our New Annual Report Is Online

In our new impact report on the 2019-2020 planting year, you can find out what a difference your support has made in the past months and what we have achieved together for the environment, the climate and the people in Indonesia and Uganda.

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young sengon forest

FSF in the publication ‚Bankable Nature Solutions‘ of WWF

A new WWF report shows how environmental projects can be linked to the banking and financial sector and have a positive impact on nature and climate as well as on people with a financial return.

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young sengon forest

New Milestone „One Million Trees“

Incredible, but true! We actually did it, the millionth seedling is distributed and we can finish the project One Million Trees successfully.

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Schriftzug Stuttgarter Zeitung

Newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung – Page 3 for Borneo’s rainforest & Fairventures

The Stuttgarter Zeitung reports on our completed project "1 Million Trees", our goals for the future and Sarina Albeck's book "Trees for Borneo".

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New project of Stiftungsnetzwerks Region Stuttgart e.V.: small seedlings in beds in tree nursery

Create income opportunities in Uganda through afforestation – New project of the Stiftungsnetzwerk Region Stuttgart e.V.

Since 90% of the population in Uganda work in agriculture and people use to cook with wood, the pressure on farmland, soil, forest and water is growing as the population increases. At the same time, Uganda has the best conditions for reforestation.

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Klimapartner beim GD Holz

Fairventures as climate partner at 15th wood industry fair in Cologne

This year, in our function as official climate partner of the wood industry fair, we had plenty of opportunities to discuss the important issue of compensation through reforestation. We actively participated in the program with two lectures and we were happy about the lively discussions that came up and about the great interest in our approach and our work.

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Forest burns in red smoke

Forest fires on Borneo, Indonesia

Due to the long-lasting fires and a huge amount of smoke, the people of Borneo could hardly think of a normal everyday life during the last months. Our Indonesian colleagues wore breathing masks in the office, while looking out of the office window in Palanka Raya everything was covered by gray smoke and fog.

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Trainer demonstrates to cocoa farmer something on young cocoa plant

First training for our cocoa farmers

In April the first big cocoa training took place in our Fairventures field office in Tumbang Talaken, Gunung Mas in Indonesia. In order to expand our cocoa project, farmers are trained to become trainers who will pass on their knowledge about cocoa cultivation to other farmers as multipliers in the future.

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Fairventures and Out for Space deepen partnership

We are very happy to announce that we have entered a new phase in our partnership with Out for Space. This Southern German company produces innovative rattan products with amazing designs and many new applications.

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