NEW: Annual Report 2022 & FAQ!

15. September 2023|In Indonesia, News, Uganda

Did you check it out already? Our Impact Report 2022 is here. On 20 pages you will get compact updates from the countries and the developments in 2022 that influence our work today. 

Browse through our online version:

You got any questions? We’ve got you covered in our freshly published FAQ. Categorized question sections will help you find your answer as quickly as possible, or invite you to just dive deeper into different topics.

FAQ sections / topics: 

  • About us
  • Reforestation
  • How trees affect the climate
  • Working with smallholder farmers
  • Responsible value chains
  • Transparency
  • Donations
  • For companies

We would be happy to see you browsing through our Annual Report 2022 or our FAQ catalogue and learn more about our recent work.