How tree planting improved the life of primary school teacher Posiano

31. July 2023|In News, Stories, Uganda

“The Tree planting project empowered me with life changing skills”: Byamukama Posiano’s life took an unexpected turn when Nyamyezi Central Forest Reserve (CFR) partnered with Fairventures Worldwide. It enabled him to increase his earnings in a way that he is not just able to continue teaching but also improve his skills by doing a bachelor degree in Education. 

At 37 years, living in Kyenjojo District with his wife and four children, Posiano was struggling to continue his path as a teacher since it didn’t pay enough. He needed additional income to provide for his family.

Before the partnership, Posiano had no expertise in tree planting. But destiny had something in store for him and he was brought on board to work with Fairventures Worldwide’s Kyenjojo Farmer Training Facilitator.

 “Formally, I was a primary school teacher, but I didn’t earn enough money and needed additional income. When I was brought on board of Fairventures, I gained a new perspective and now I have forestry knowledge and earnings to continue my path as a teacher,” he explained.

Through the training provided by Fairventures Worldwide, Posiano blossomed as a tree planting expert. He not only polished his own skills but also offered a helping hand to other community members. With his teaching experience coming in handy, he guided and empowered them to plant healthy trees.

“I was trained by Fairventures on how to plant and manage trees, and now I am fully skilled. I help other community members to learn how to establish tree fields, and I line the planting fields for them. In return, they are paying for my services,” he proudly asserted.

The impact of Posiano’s efforts transcended the boundaries of his community and are life changing for him and his family: 

“This money has helped me to pay for my tuition as I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Education to continue working as a teacher. I am thankful for this program by Fairventures Worldwide. My children are going to good schools, and I am paying the school fees from the services I provide to the community,” Posiano proudly revealed.

Posiano’s journey shows the transformative power of skills empowerment. With each tree he plants and each community member he empowers, he paves the way for a greener, more sustainable future.