
Acting on Our Values: Transferring Projects in Indonesia to the “Good Forest Indonesia” Foundation

We have adapted our organizational structure. After more than 10 years of work in Indonesia, we supported our Indonesian team in establishing their own organization, the “Good Forest Indonesia” (GFI) Foundation.

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Our Impact Report 2023 is here!

We are excited to reflect on the challenges and successes of the year 2023 with you and look together towards a hopeful future.

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Supporting biodiversity: HIMBA Application Training in Central Kalimantan

Protecting the forest means protecting the biodiversity within it: Together with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), we developed HIMBA, an app for collecting and managing biodiversity data.

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From field to market: training harvesting techniques and strategies with farmers in Indonesia

We believe that the well-being of the planet and the local population go hand in hand. With this in mind, we have specifically trained smallholder farmers in harvesting techniques for the Sengon trees they have planted.

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Female power and leadership at Fairventures

We have many great women at Fairventures who help us to make a difference and lead our NGO to great achievements. We are proud to introduce three women in leadership positions in our organisation.

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Successful closing event of our first Cocoa Project – with the support of the Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan Province

Last week our first cocoa project in Central Kalimantan ended with a very successful workshop event offering promising future possibilities for upcoming cocoa projects.

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Connection through collaboration: socialization with farmers in Batu Nyapau

We regularly exchange ideas with our smallholder farmers; our most recent event took place in the village of Batu Nyapau in the district of Gunung Mas in Indonesia.

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PHINEO Impact Seal: Our impact on climate protection has been awarded

We were officially awarded the PHINEO impact seal in Berlin! The seal of impact for climate protection was given to us for our '100 Million Trees' reforestation project in Indonesia. We were selected with 14 other organizations out of over 101 applications.

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Climate Awareness: The Recurring Forest Fires in Borneo

This year, Indonesia faced a challenge triggered by El Niño – a long dry season that led to more forest and land fires. As a result these fires created smoky haze, putting public health at risk and damaging forests across multiple Indonesian islands.

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Thank you for 3 great years – change of leadership in Indonesia

After more than three years, Raya has stepped down as Country Director and is handing over the leadership of our team in Indonesia to our long-time employee Monalisa.

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NEW: Annual Report 2022 & FAQ!

Get to know us more in detail in our Annual Report and on our FAQ website.

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Herlianto and His Vision for Farmers in Tumbang Manggu

Get to know our smallholder farmer, Herlianto! In a short video introduction, he gives an insight into his work and his vision.

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Always striving to be better: Challenges in Borneo and Changes to our Approach

Only through transparent communication on all levels can quality projects be implemented. With this in mind, we would like to share with you some current challenges in Borneo and changes to our approach. Our great management team with diverse backgrounds and perspectives will tackle them in a goal-oriented way. Always with transparency as our top priority in mind!

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Lightwood Roadshow: Educating communities about environmental impact

Our Lightwood Roadshow aimed to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation through reforestation and responsible timber value chains. Including the community was a big success.

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Youth Program: Agents of Change in the Making

We have recognized the importance of the role of children as agents of change to combat climate change. Therefore we decided to foster young people’s positive relationship to the environment through “Youth Program”.

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Kakaobauern in Sulawesi

Learning from the Best: Study Tour to Visit Cocoa Farmers in Sulawesi

Smallholder farmers from Barito Timur and Gunung Mas visited Sulawesi to learn more about cocoa cultivation from local experts. Sulawesi is known around the world for producing high quality cocoa beans.

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Presenting Fairventures

Technical, social & environmental potential – Showcasing lightwood at the „Hannover Fair“

In April we had the opportunity to present our „SuMatHrA“ light wood project at the booth of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) at the Hannover fair.

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Beneficial Exchange from Uganda to Indonesia: From Work Implementations to Team Bonding

A team of seven people from Uganda travelled to Indonesia on a study trip to learn and share information about Indonesia's reforestation model and how it could be replicated in Uganda.

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IKI Logo

Successful reforestation in Borneo: IKI publishes new page about joint project

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) has published a new overview page on their website. There, all information about our joint project and its impact are summarized and prepared.

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Members Of The German Parliament Visit Our Project in Central Kalimantan!

In October, six members of the German parliament visited our project sites in Gunung Mas, giving us the opportunity to present the results of the continuous efforts made by the German government in recent years.

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Das Fairventures-Team bei der COP27 in Ägypten

We participated in the Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Egypt

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt in November. Some members of the Fairventures family also attended. This was their experience.

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Herpit stands happily in his sengon forest

Smallholder Herpit Built His House In The Sengon Garden

Far from supermarkets or malls, and far from the traffic and hustle and bustle of the city, Herpit, an Indonesian smallholder, lives with his wife in the middle of their plot of Sengon trees.

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New carbon project: Fairventures and STIHL expand existing partnership.

STIHL has been supporting our work with financial resources, equipment and know-how since 2017. This year, we are pleased to announce the largest joint project so far.

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Members of German parliament, Indonesian Government representatives, Fairventures staff and the company who built the modular house.

Opening Of Our Light Wood Modular House: A Sustainable Housing Solution For The Future

On October 30, 2022, our Indonesian colleagues inaugurated the first light wood modular house in Central Kalimantan. Several members of the German parliament joined our team for the grand opening. The completion of this pilot project marks a milestone in our efforts to ecologically transform the Indonesian construction sector.

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