29. March 2023
From seed to seedling – Nursery management at the Kasese Youth Polytechnic Nursery in Uganda
In 2019, we have partnered with the Kasese Youth Polytechnic School and constructed the KYP nursery. Since then, it has served as a hub for the propagation and nurturing of a diverse range of tree species.
1. March 2023
100 Million Trees: New Nurseries in Indonesia!
Each planting season, we provide smallholder farmers with thousands of tree seedlings completely free of charge. Recently, our team in Indonesia has established two new nurseries. This puts them on track to achieve their goal of providing over 100,000 seedlings to more than 200 farmers in the months of March and April.
13. February 2023
Successful reforestation in Borneo: IKI publishes new page about joint project
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) has published a new overview page on their website. There, all information about our joint project and its impact are summarized and prepared.
17. January 2023
Agroforestry with Bees & Urban Farming – Testing new approaches of sustainable agriculture
We work with our partners Latek Stay Alliance, and Eco-Agric Uganda on an agroforestry project in the Hoima, Kikuube and Kibaale districts.
2. January 2023
Members Of The German Parliament Visit Our Project in Central Kalimantan!
In October, six members of the German parliament visited our project sites in Gunung Mas, giving us the opportunity to present the results of the continuous efforts made by the German government in recent years.
22. December 2022
We participated in the Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Egypt
The 27th UN Climate Change Conference took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt in November. Some members of the Fairventures family also attended. This was their experience.
13. December 2022
Smallholder Herpit Built His House In The Sengon Garden
Far from supermarkets or malls, and far from the traffic and hustle and bustle of the city, Herpit, an Indonesian smallholder, lives with his wife in the middle of their plot of Sengon trees.
1. December 2022
New carbon project: Fairventures and STIHL expand existing partnership.
STIHL has been supporting our work with financial resources, equipment and know-how since 2017. This year, we are pleased to announce the largest joint project so far.
28. November 2022
Opening Of Our Light Wood Modular House: A Sustainable Housing Solution For The Future
On October 30, 2022, our Indonesian colleagues inaugurated the first light wood modular house in Central Kalimantan. Several members of the German parliament joined our team for the grand opening. The completion of this pilot project marks a milestone in our efforts to ecologically transform the Indonesian construction sector.
21. November 2022
New Scientific Partnership: Fairventures signs MOU with IPB University
We have signed an MOU with IPB University, advancing the process of community development by conducting research and projects for educational purposes.
17. November 2022
Trees4Trees: Comparative Study With Fairventures Worldwide
A few weeks ago, our team in Indonesia visited the reforestation organization Trees4Trees in Pati in Central Java. The aim of the trip was to conduct a comparative study and to promote exchange between the members of our organizations.
9. November 2022
How Ntajumba Bernard Uses Music To Make His Voice Heard
Ntajumba Bernard, aka Ben Beauty, is truly one of a kind. To raise awareness for climate change, he is making use of his voice in a truly extraordinary way.
24. October 2022
Uganda After The Flooding: Starting Over With Optimism
End of July, heavy rainfall in the Eastern region of Uganda has caused floods, river overflow and landslides, resulting in casualties and heavy damage. Today, new nurseries and the local communities' efforts make for new optimism.
11. October 2022
A Paradigm Shift: Working for the Environment and Smallholder Farmers as a Redemption
While making use of what nature has to offer is a good thing, these profits can come at a price. Two of our team members report on their former jobs in the timber industry – and their decision to pursue a career change.
4. October 2022
Interview: Johannes Schwegler to leave Management Team
Big changes are coming up at Fairventures Worldwide: After more than 9 years as Executive Director, our founder Johannes Schwegler is leaving the management at the end of this month to fully dedicate himself to lead our sister company Fairventures Digital (TREEO).
8. September 2022
Smallholder Pasihan Plants Hope for Future Generations
The climate crisis poses numerous challenges for smallholder farmers in Borneo. But Pasihan's story shows that it is worth looking to the future with hope. Just like his sons, the trees and plants in Pasihan's field will continue to grow in the years to come. And with each new seedling, the smallholder farmer plants another piece of the future.
25. August 2022
Urban Greening Campaign: Planting 30,000 Trees in Fort Portal
On May 14, we launched a tree planting campaign around Mpanga river in Western Uganda. The ‘’Urban Greening” themed project aims to plant 30,000 trees in the city of Fort Portal.
22. August 2022
Our Annual Report 2021 is online!
In our new annual report, we inform you about our activities during the past planting phase 2021, with a special focus on the impact of our work, which was made possible by your support.
22. August 2022
IKI Project: Publication of Final Review
Our project to rehabilitate degraded land with native tree species was evaluated along with 24 other IKI projects that ended in 2020 as part of the third IKI evaluation cycle.
27. June 2022
Cocoa as Sustainable Alternative Revenue for Farmers
In April, we held our first Farmer Field School for 285 cocoa farmers as part of our Kalteng Cocoa Program. The goal of the program is to harness the potential of cocoa in Central Kalimantan and to establish cocoa as a sustainable source of income for smallholder farmers.
7. June 2022
Planting 1,236 Trees in 2 hours? — Climate Action in Uganda!
“Take Action and Plant A Tree.” That was the theme for an event our team in Uganda hosted on May 7 at Bunyama Katosi in the Mukono district. 150 volunteers answered our call.
7. June 2022
Deutsche Welle: A German NGO’s 100 Million Trees for Borneo
In March, journalists and a camera team from Deutsche Welle visited our project area in Indonesia to report on our work. Now their film about "100 Million Trees for Borneo" is published.
24. May 2022
Building a Timber Innovation Center in Kampala
In collaboration with other stakeholders, we will establish and manage a Timber Innovation Center in the city center of Kampala. It will be constructed on top of the Crown House building – where our Ugandan office is located – and the construction will include Engineered Timber Products manufactured in Uganda.
11. May 2022
Development of the Lightwood Industry: MoU with the Indonesian Ministry of Trade
In April, we signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the development of sustainable lightwood with Indonesia's Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of National Export Development (DJPEN) in Jakarta. This shows the Ministry of Trade's dedication to foster innovation and creativity in the development of light wood, notably sengon and jabon.