Media in Uganda and East Africa report about our Timber Innovation Center in Kampala

19. June 2023|In Media, Uganda

The launch of our Timber Innovation Center in the heart of Uganda, directly in the center of the capital Kampala, generated a lot of attention from Ugandan media. Several local online news portals pointed out the significance of the Timber Innovation Center and its potential to boost timber as a new and more environmentally friendly construction material. 

Among the reporting media was Nile Post, PML Daily, All Africa, Buganda Broadcasting Service, KFM 93.3,  Capital FM, Central Broadcasting Service (CBS), Newvision print and Bukedde Tv.

Nile Post stressed the positive impact on the climate in their headline: “Experts make case for timber buildings to reduce country’s construction emissions”, whereas PML Daily set additional focus on timber construction as a solution approach for rapid urbanization:  “Timber construction can solve rapid urbanization and carbon emission challenges facing the planet, environmentalists say”.