Exciting Quiz Night at our Timber Innovation Center

30. June 2023|In News, Uganda

The Timber Innovation Center buzzed with anticipation and excitement as we organized our first quiz night in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The event was held just days after the Timber Innovation center’s official launch on the World Environment Day 2023. Participants comprised a diverse mix of students and youth from Makerere and Kyambogo University and Fairventures Worldwide staff. 

With topics ranging from forestry, agriculture, environment, climate change, and environmental institutions, participants were in for a challenging intellectual showdown. Each group engaged in brainstorming sessions, pooling their collective knowledge and anticipating the range of questions that awaited them. The air crackled with an eagerness to demonstrate their expertise in these vital fields.

The quiz night unfolded in five rounds, designed to test participants’ knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and quick reflexes. The rules were simple yet unforgiving: each group was given only one minute to respond to the posed questions. A wrong answer spelled trouble, as other groups eagerly pounced on the opportunity to gain points with a correct response. The stakes were high, and the pressure mounted with each passing round, fostering an intense and competitive spirit among the groups.

As the first round kicked off, Groups 1  and 5 led the race each securing an impressive 10 marks. The tiebreaker round was introduced to break the deadlock, with Group 5 in the lead, earning the title of champions for the first round. 

However, Group 1, fueled by their early defeat, unleashed a formidable comeback in the next rounds. Their unwavering determination and consistent performance propelled them to victory, ultimately earning them the prestigious title of champions of the inaugural Fairventures Worldwide’s Quiz Night.

The Fairventures Worldwide Quiz Night was more than just competition. It served as a platform for youth to expand their knowledge, exchange ideas, and make new connections. The exploration of diverse topics, ranging from forestry and agriculture to environmental sustainability, enabled the participants to deepen their understanding and gain valuable insights from their peers and colleagues. 

The Quiz Night at the Timber Innovation Center was a resounding success, leaving participants with unforgettable memories and a renewed passion for knowledge. By creating an environment that seamlessly blended competition, music, and entertainment, participants were able to transcend the boundaries of traditional learning and create an experience that was both intellectually stimulating and socially rewarding.