
Our Impact Report 2023 is here!

We are excited to reflect on the challenges and successes of the year 2023 with you and look together towards a hopeful future.

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Female power and leadership at Fairventures

We have many great women at Fairventures who help us to make a difference and lead our NGO to great achievements. We are proud to introduce three women in leadership positions in our organisation.

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NEW: Annual Report 2022 & FAQ!

Get to know us more in detail in our Annual Report and on our FAQ website.

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Das Fairventures-Team bei der COP27 in Ägypten

We participated in the Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Egypt

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt in November. Some members of the Fairventures family also attended. This was their experience.

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New carbon project: Fairventures and STIHL expand existing partnership.

STIHL has been supporting our work with financial resources, equipment and know-how since 2017. This year, we are pleased to announce the largest joint project so far.

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Annual report 2021 opened

Our New Annual Report Is Online

Catch up with our global operations. The report provides descriptions and numbers on our programs during the 2020-21 planting seasons. Specifically, it highlights the impact of our activities that were made possible by your support and contributions.

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three men with mask during Farmer Field School in seminar room

Coping with COVID-19: How the pandemic has been affecting our work

COVID-19 had a major impact on our work in the country offices in Uganda and Indonesia. Since the beginning of the pandemic last year, we have had to deal with many challenges that have had a huge impact on the implementation of our activities in the field.

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Farmer holds young seedling in nursery

Our New Annual Report Is Online

In our new impact report on the 2019-2020 planting year, you can find out what a difference your support has made in the past months and what we have achieved together for the environment, the climate and the people in Indonesia and Uganda.

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