Our New Annual Report Is Online

19. October 2021|In Indonesia, News, Uganda
Annual report 2021 opened

Catch up with our global operations. The new annual report provides descriptions and numbers on our programs during the 2020-21 planting seasons. Specifically, it highlights the impact of our activities that were made possible by your support and contributions. In all our operations, we support local communities in our partner countries to generate income for their efforts to protect the forest and mitigate climate change. We thank you for your continued support.

For greater transparency, this year’s report includes links and QR-codes, so readers can access sources in the report directly. In accordance with our organizational culture, the intent of the report is delivering open and accessible communication about our impact and the use of the funds entrusted to us.

Highlights of the Annual Report:

Establishing and securing tree nurseries in Uganda: We managed to secure a total of 6 nurseries in 2020 and are set up for a major seedling distribution to Ugandan farmers the following year.

In Indonesia, we have carried out promising tests on agroforestry concepts which will help farmers generate short-term income until they can profit long term once their seedlings are trees.  

TREEO: Our forestry and IT experts from our three offices are progressing on the TREEO App, which will allow farmers to digitally scan individual trees for their carbon content with great accuracy. Companies could then offset their carbon footprint through the trees from the farmers.