
Acting on Our Values: Transferring Projects in Indonesia to the “Good Forest Indonesia” Foundation

We have adapted our organizational structure. After more than 10 years of work in Indonesia, we supported our Indonesian team in establishing their own organization, the “Good Forest Indonesia” (GFI) Foundation.

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Benard Ntajumba: Blending Music and Environmental Stewardship in Uganda’s Reforestation Efforts

Meet Benard Ntajumba, our tree nursery coordinator at Fairventures Worldwide in Uganda.

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Exciting coverage of Fairventures on

In an interesting article, Wood Central focuses on Uganda's potential in the timber industry and discusses the projects of Fairventures and the Timber Innovation Center.

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Our Impact Report 2023 is here!

We are excited to reflect on the challenges and successes of the year 2023 with you and look together towards a hopeful future.

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Supporting biodiversity: HIMBA Application Training in Central Kalimantan

Protecting the forest means protecting the biodiversity within it: Together with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), we developed HIMBA, an app for collecting and managing biodiversity data.

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Newspapers report about Climate Stories

Two local newspapers, the “Ipf- & Jagst-Zeitung” and the “Schwäbische Post” wrote about our "Climate Stories" project at the high school “Hariolf-Gymnasium”.

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Farmer Training Facilitator Edith Muhindo about the reforestation projects in Kasese, Uganda

Edith Muhindo supports farmers to reforest degraded areas. Edith has been a Farmer Training Facilitator (FTF) at Fairventures Worldwide for four years now and is at the forefront of our activities.

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From field to market: training harvesting techniques and strategies with farmers in Indonesia

We believe that the well-being of the planet and the local population go hand in hand. With this in mind, we have specifically trained smallholder farmers in harvesting techniques for the Sengon trees they have planted.

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Quiz Night at the Timber Innovation Center with students from Makerere and Kyambogo Universitiy

Knowledge is key: In this spirit, we hosted a quiz night about forestry and climate topics.

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Patience Naamara’s Journey in Leading Climate Action Through Forestry

Meet Patience Naamara, the Country Director of Fairventures Worldwide in Uganda, who serves as an inspiration in sustainable forestry solutions against climate change.

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We are a member of the German Sustainable Economy Association “Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V.”

Fairventures Worldwide has joined the German Sustainable Economy Association “Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V.” in March 2024.

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Joint Forces: Fairventures and Kyambogo University plant over 600 trees on the International Day of Forests

On last week's International Day of Forests, Fairventures Worldwide cooperated with Kyambogo University in Uganda to plant a forest of 600 trees on 2 acres of land in the university green belt.

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Check out our brand new project video for Uganda!

After already producing a special intro video for our “100 Million Trees” project in Indonesia, we now have an introduction video for “Lasting Solutions” in Uganda. Check it out!

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Female power and leadership at Fairventures

We have many great women at Fairventures who help us to make a difference and lead our NGO to great achievements. We are proud to introduce three women in leadership positions in our organisation.

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Connection through collaboration: socialization with farmers in Batu Nyapau

We regularly exchange ideas with our smallholder farmers; our most recent event took place in the village of Batu Nyapau in the district of Gunung Mas in Indonesia.

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The benefits of Agroforestry in Tororo District, Uganda

The benefits of agroforestry are not only addressing essential needs but are also contributing to environmental conservation and economic growth.

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Article in the current IHK Magazine Economy: “Saving the climate and supporting smallholder farmers”

The current IHK Magazine Economy reports on our projects in Indonesia and Uganda.

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Climate Change Alters Uganda’s Rainfall Patterns, Affecting Farmers in Kayunga District

Uganda, typically known for its stable rainfall patterns, is experiencing the negative impacts of climate change. Those circumstances are affecting the nation and our farmers.

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Advent Calendar ‘24 Good Deeds’ enabled new collaborations in Uganda

With the support and money from 24 Good Deeds, we were able to collaborate with the Uganda Scouts Association to manage the Kaazi Community Nursery. The goal is to reforest the National Scouts Grounds located in Kampala District and empower nearby communities by distributing free fruit and tree seedlings.

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PHINEO Impact Seal: Our impact on climate protection has been awarded

We were officially awarded the PHINEO impact seal in Berlin! The seal of impact for climate protection was given to us for our '100 Million Trees' reforestation project in Indonesia. We were selected with 14 other organizations out of over 101 applications.

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Empowering Communities: Tree Monitoring Refresher Training

In a collaborative effort between us and Treeo, a significant milestone was achieved, as we conducted a Refresher Training on tree monitoring. This event brought together community monitors from various project areas and was hosted in Fort Portal City in Uganda.

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Climate Stories – New climate education project receives award

Climate Stories - New climate education project of Fairventures receives award from the Protestant Academy Bad Boll.

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Climate Awareness: The Recurring Forest Fires in Borneo

This year, Indonesia faced a challenge triggered by El Niño – a long dry season that led to more forest and land fires. As a result these fires created smoky haze, putting public health at risk and damaging forests across multiple Indonesian islands.

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Fair Christmas: ONE gift for ALL!

Show your employees' or co-workers appreciation by appreciating our planet! We have different gift options for you, all of which have one thing in common: they empower smallholders in the tropics to earn their income through reforestation.

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