Transparent and responsible action is one of the principles of our work. Our employees are committed to guidelines and standards to ensure that the funds entrusted to us are handled conscientiously. In this way, we want to offer partners and supporters the highest degree of transparency and live up to their trust in us and our work.

We were officially awarded the PHINEO impact seal. The seal of impact for climate protection was given to us for our ‘100 Million Trees’ reforestation project in Indonesia. As a non-profit platform, PHINEO uses scientific methods to evaluate the objective impact of charitable projects and honours them with the seal of approval. We were selected from over 101 applicants alongside 14 others, such as the NABU Foundation National Natural Heritage, ForTomorrow and the Siemens Foundation. “The PHINEO Impact Seal means a lot to us. Because even though we know internally about our impact, it is all the more important that potential donors can objectively ensure that their money is being used effectively to make a difference,” says Wolfgang Baum, CEO of Fairventures Worldwide in Stuttgart.
Single-Tree Monitoring
Not every seedling planted becomes a tree – which is why we monitor the development. With the help of the app TREEO, we can precisely track our reforestation successes and know how the trees are growing and how much CO2 is being absorbed. This also allows us to replant if necessary.
It works like this: They can take a geolocated picture of each tree. The TREEO algorithm then determines the diameter of the tree. The diameter and height can then be used to calculate the volume of the tree and thus its CO₂ storage capacity. By monitoring each plot annually with the TREEO app, Fairventures Worldwide will receive a detailed overview of the condition of the planted trees. This means that seedlings can be replanted if necessary. Fairventures Digital GmbH operates the TREEO app and is currently working to make it fully operational.
As a member of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative, Fairventures Worldwide is committed to communicating information about the organization publicly and transparently. This includes, among other things, the articles of association, the use and origin of funds, and information about our personnel structure.
1. Name, Registered Office, Address and Year of Foundation
Fairventures Worldwide (FVW) – gGmbH
Hasenbergstraße 31, 70178 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Founded in 2005 as „Swiss Contact Germany gGmbH,“ renamed and shares transferred in 2013.
3. Information on Tax Benefits
Name of the responsible tax office: Finanzkasse Stuttgart IV
Date of the notice: 09.02.2024
Type of notice: Notice of exemption (German)
Tax number: 99124/02571
4. Name and Function of Key Decision Makers
5. Annual Report / Impact Report
6. Personell Structure
Full-time employees: 43
Interns / working students: 1
Total: 44
Full time employees: 35
Total: 35
Full-time employees: 4
Part-time employees: 8
Working Students: 1
Total: 13
(December 2023)
9. Ties with Third Parties
Fairventures Worldwide holds shares in two companies:
- Fairventures Enterprise GmbH (15%)
- Fairventures Digital GmbH (20 %)
10. Names of supporters whose annual payments represent more than 10% of the total annual budget
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Brot für die Welt Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V.
External Auditing
An independent auditor checks that the funds of Fairventures Worldwide are used in accordance with the company charter.
Code of Conduct
In our Code of Conduct, we describe the values and standards of our actions, both internally and in dealing with partners.
As a member of VENRO (Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid Non-Governmental Organisations), the guidelines and standards of the VENRO Codes apply to our business:
VENRO Code of Conduct Transparency, organisational management and monitoring
VENRO Code of Conduct for Development-Related Public Relations
Our Web Map
On our web map you can see the progress of our projects, including the number and growth of trees planted.
Data Policy
Your private data is safe with us. The collection and processing of data is for internal purposes only.
Will I receive a donation receipt? How many seedlings have already been distributed? You can find answers to your questions in our FAQ.