Sales Donation

A sales donation is a sustainable commitment for companies in which a fixed, small portion of the revenue generated by every product sold flows directly into the reforestation of degraded areas in the tropics. In this way, you provide local smallholders with a secure income, contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and counteract climate change. No matter what you offer – every purchase can do good if it is linked to a sales donation. Your customers will thank you for it! 

More Climate-Friendly Products in 4 Steps

a tree grows out of an envelope

1. Contact Fairventures

grafic handshake

2. Receive individual consultation and a solution proposal

graphic Farmer with seedling

3. Reforestation in our project areas

Graphic Globe

4. Your product promotes climate protection

Examples of Successful Partnerships

Terra Canis: When Dogs become Climate Patrons

With the “Save the Planet” line, Terra Canis from Munich, manufacturer of the first dog food with 100% food quality of all raw materials, sets an example for more climate protection. For every “Tree Lover” can sold, 10 cents will go towards reforestation of degraded land in the tropics. The idea behind the menus is to actively involve our four-legged friends in environmental protection, and at the same time to feed them species-appropriate & healthy. In this way, dogs can also become climate patrons.

dog food in the forests
schell chocolate

Schell Schokoladen: Delicious Chocolate that Protects the Climate

With “Urwald Schokolade” (rainforest chocolate), Schell Schokoladen from the Stuttgart region has three special premium varieties on offer. These are made from cocoa beans sourced from various rainforest areas in Indonesia. 50 cents of each product sold goes to our project “100 Million Trees for Borneo”. A portion of the proceeds from the new “URSPRUNG” bean-to-bar line also benefits this long-term reforestation project.

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Your Contact

Portrait Rainer Henke

Rainer Henke 

+49 711 504 402 24

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