
Female power and leadership at Fairventures

We have many great women at Fairventures who help us to make a difference and lead our NGO to great achievements. We are proud to introduce three women in leadership positions in our organisation.

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Herlianto and His Vision for Farmers in Tumbang Manggu

Get to know our smallholder farmer, Herlianto! In a short video introduction, he gives an insight into his work and his vision.

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Herpit stands happily in his sengon forest

Smallholder Herpit Built His House In The Sengon Garden

Far from supermarkets or malls, and far from the traffic and hustle and bustle of the city, Herpit, an Indonesian smallholder, lives with his wife in the middle of their plot of Sengon trees.

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Small farmer with big hat

A Paradigm Shift: Working for the Environment and Smallholder Farmers as a Redemption

While making use of what nature has to offer is a good thing, these profits can come at a price. Two of our team members report on their former jobs in the timber industry – and their decision to pursue a career change.

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Monalisa in the forest

Globalization at my Home: An Account of a Borneo Native

I ran, and ran. My mind was running as well. I couldn’t believe what I had heard. I didn’t want to believe what I had just been told. All the memories came flashing at once, and I got overwhelmed with emotions.

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Ludiyanto with his family

The Story of a Courageous Farmer in Borneo

They stretch on for kilometers, these palm oil plantations on Borneo. An eerie sight. Not a sound can be heard. Even animals do not want to be here in this sterile environment. Though there is one who has not been deterred.

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