Create income opportunities in Uganda through afforestation – New project of the Stiftungsnetzwerk Region Stuttgart e.V.

18. February 2020|In News, Uganda
New project of Stiftungsnetzwerks Region Stuttgart e.V.: small seedlings in beds in tree nursery

Since 90% of the population in Uganda work in agriculture and people use to cook with wood, the pressure on farmland, soil, forest and water is growing as the population increases.

At the same time, however, Uganda has the best conditions for reforestation: climate, precipitation and soil are extremely suitable for this. The project focuses on combining successful reforestation with new income opportunities for the people who live from agriculture.

Members of the Stiftungsnetzwerk Region Stuttgart e.V. have launched a new project, in the implementation of which Fairventures Worldwide is working together on site in Uganda with the Stay Foundation.

In cooperation with four local partners, farmers in western Uganda are being supported in setting up their own agroforestry areas. On these areas, trees can be grown in combination with fruit and vegetables, so that the people are able to improve their nutritional situation through cultivation and generate income from the surpluses.

After the successful kick-off of our project, the next step is to train local partners to become nursery operators.

The main purpose of the tree nurseries is to provide sufficient seedlings for the farmers. There will also be a demonstration fields, which can be used to show the growth behaviour of the trees and to train the farmers.

The joint project is made possible by the commitment of the following foundations: Heidehof Foundation, Louis Leitz Foundation, Gerhard and Paul-Hermann Bauder Foundation, Vector Foundation, The Schaufler Foundation, Gips-Schüle Foundation. Further cooperation partners are very welcome.

We are pleased about the commitment and about the fact that we could start with a new project in Uganda!